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CIDCA vice-chairman meets with UN Refugee Agency's new representative in China

CIDCA| Updated: 2022-02-18

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Zhang Maoyu, vice-chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), met with Vanno Noupech, the United Nations Refugee Agency's new representative in China, in Beijing on Feb 16.

During the meeting, Zhang extended congratulations to Noupech for his assumption of the new post.

China attaches great importance to and is an active participant in global humanitarian affairs, Zhang said, adding that the country is willing to maintain regular communication with the UN refugee agency, give full play to their respective strengths and intensify pragmatic cooperation on displacement crises and development affairs between both sides, in order to make positive contributions to the implementation of the Global Development Initiative and assisting other developing countries in the realization of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Noupech conveyed thanks to the Chinese government for its consistent attention to refugee affairs and appreciated the efforts made by the CIDCA to support the economic and social development of other developing countries through both bilateral and multilateral mechanisms. He also expressed willingness to further promote exchanges between the UN refugee agency with the Chinese government and Chinese think tanks in such fields as refugee affairs, development and environmental protection, and reaffirmed the UN refugee agency's commitment to helping all involved states and displaced people better resolve both pressing and long-term issues.

The two sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual concern.

Xu Wei, director-general of the International Cooperation Department of the CIDCA, attended the meeting as well.

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