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Xi Jinping Meets with Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Amor Mottley

fmprc.gov.cn| Updated: 2023-06-28


On the afternoon of June 27, 2023, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People with Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Amor Mottley who is on an official visit to China.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Barbados is the first country in the eastern Caribbean to establish diplomatic relations with China, and also a good friend and good partner of China in the region. Though separated by vast oceans, China and Barbados share similar goals and have move forward hand in hand, with bilateral relations constantly deepening and growing. China is promoting Chinese modernization with high-quality development, which will bring new opportunities for Barbados' development and China-Barbados cooperation. China welcomes Barbados to board the "express train" of China's development, and to work with China to build a closer China-Barbados community with a shared future.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China and Barbados need to deepen political mutual trust and continue to understand and support each other on issues related to respective core interests and major concerns. China, as always, supports Barbados in safeguarding its national sovereignty and independence, and independently choosing its own development path. China stands ready to strengthen exchanges with Barbados' government, legislature and political parties, and enhance the sharing of national governance experience. China and Barbados are both developing countries, sharing much in common in the field of development, and enjoy great potential for cooperation. The two sides should expand practical cooperation and take the Belt and Road cooperation as an opportunity to expand cooperation in such fields as infrastructure construction, digital economy, climate change, new energy, agriculture, medical care and health. China supports Chinese enterprises in conducting cooperation in Barbados. The two sides should also increase people-to-people and cultural exchanges and increase mutual visits.

Xi Jinping pointed out that facing profound world changes unseen in a century, developing countries should strengthen solidarity and cooperation, practice true multilateralism, oppose the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation, uphold the basic norms governing international relations, safeguard international fairness and justice, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. China fully understands the aspirations of Barbados and other small island developing states in the field of climate change, and is ready to continue strengthening South-South cooperation on climate change and provide assistance and support to developing countries, including Barbados. China attaches importance to its relations with the Caribbean from a strategic height and a long-term perspective, and will continue to provide assistance to the best of its ability for the economic and social development of the Caribbean.


Mia Amor Mottley said that she was deeply impressed by the solidarity and friendship she witnessed between Barbados and China during the visit. She thanked China for its valuable assistance for Barbados’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic and social development. She said the Chinese government has made great achievements in eliminating poverty and benefiting the people, and these achievements are admired around the world. The Global Development Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping demonstrates outstanding global leadership and is conducive to helping countries and peoples around the world achieve common development and prosperity, and better cope with global challenges. Barbados firmly supports the one-China principle, highly recognizes China's philosophies, and is ready to learn from China's experience and actively participate in the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. Barbados hopes to strengthen cooperation with China in such fields as climate response, water resources, addressing digital divide, and health care. Barbados is committed to multilateralism, opposes "decoupling and severing industrial and supply chains", and is ready to continue promoting the development of relations between the Caribbean and China.

Wang Yi attended the meeting.

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