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CIDCA chairman meets with Cuban minister of industry

CIDCA| Updated: 2023-07-10

Luo Zhaohui, chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), met with Cuban Minister of Industry Eloy Alvarez Martinez, who was in China to attend the first high-level conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development, on July 9, 2023.


Noting that China and Cuba are good friends, comrades and brothers, Luo acknowledged the positive outcomes of bilateral development cooperation under the guidance of the strategic consensus reached between the two heads of state. He said that China is willing to continue to deepen cooperation with all developing countries, including Cuba, under the Global Development Initiative (GDI) framework, and strive for common development.

Alvarez, also representative of the Rotating Presidency of the Group of 77, lauded the profound friendship between Cuba and China and thanked China for its long-term assistance to Cuba in promoting the country's socioeconomic development and improving the people's livelihoods. Cuba is willing to strengthen cooperation with China, and promote the GDI as well as continuous development of bilateral ties, he added.

The two sides also held in-depth exchanges on specific cooperation matters. Director-General of the CIDCA's Second Department of Regional Affairs Bai Bin and Chargé d'Affaires of the Cuban Embassy in China Mario Alzugaray also attended the meeting. 


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