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CIDCA chairman meets with minister of economic development and trade of Maldives

CIDCA| Updated: 2023-12-08

On Dec 7, 2023, Luo Zhaohui, chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), met with Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Maldives Mohamed Saeed, who was in China to attend the second China-Indian Ocean Region Forum on Blue Economy Cooperation.


Luo congratulated Saeed on his inauguration as minister of economic development and trade of the Maldives. He said that under the strategic guidance of the two countries' leaders, the China-Maldives relations have maintained steady development, yielding fruitful cooperation results. China is ready to work with the Maldives to jointly implement the consensus reached between the two countries' leaders, carry out high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, actively promote the implementation of the Global Development Initiative (GDI), and continuously deepen bilateral cooperation to elevate bilateral ties to a higher level, he said.

Saeed thanked China for its long-term support to his country in its socioeconomic development and the improvement of people's livelihoods. He said that the Maldives is ready to work closely with China, actively support and participate in the Belt and Road cooperation and the GDI's implementation, expand cooperation areas in the blue economy, and strive for further results in bilateral development cooperation.

The two sides also held in-depth exchanges on specific cooperation projects and signed related cooperative documents. 


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